Student Information

About Student Information

Student information module is a collection of data all the students. It is used for keep maintaining end to end details of students including student category, admission, sibling, bank details, parent/guardian details etc.Student information module workflow- First we will add Student Categories, Student House and then take Student Admission and then Online Admission, Student Details. If you want to add additional fields in student admission form then you can use Custom Fields feature for this
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How to create Student Categories?

To  create student category, go to Student Information > Student Categories then enter Category and then click on the Save button. You can view this added record in the Category List on the right side of the page. To edit student category click on Edit icon and to delete student category click on Delete icon present in the category list.
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How to add Student House?

To add student house, go to Student Information > Student House then enter house Name and Description and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Student House List on right side of the page.To edit student house click on Edit icon and to delete student house click on Delete icon present in the student house list.
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Student admission?

To student admission, go to Student Information > Student Admission then enter Admission No (if you want to use auto generation of student admission number then enable it from System Setting > General Setting), Roll Number (Here the roll number does not contain any validation, this will managed by administrator. Roll number is only for reference purpose, when you will generate the admit card of the student from the exam module , then a roll number will be auto generated for the related
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How to add Siblings?

You can add multiple siblings by adding student as a sibling to each other’s, but you can only add sibling to those students in which no sibling is already added, so to add multiple siblings e.g. A, B, C, D follow these steps-Select student to which you want to add sibling e.g. if you want student B as sibling of student A so select student A profile (note: student A should not have any sibling).Go to student A profile and click on Edit button, then add sibling, student B here and
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How to Import Student?

To import student, go to Student Information > Student Admission click on the Import Student button present at top right corner on right side in the student admission page, at click of this button page will be open.You have to follow all the necessary instructions given here to create CSV file. Here you can also add multiple students at the same time for this, you have to create a CSV file format. You can also download the sample file from top right corner by clicking on Download Sample
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How to Online Admission?

To student online admission, go to Student Information > Online Admission. To use online admission first it should be enabled from System Setting > General Setting. The online admission from can be access directly from url To use it in the front side, you must add the URL in the menu of front.Fill all entries here select the Class, First Name, Last Name, Gender, Date of Birth, Mobile Number, Email, Parent Guardian Detail, Upload Document and then
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How to enable Online Admission in Front Site?

To activate Online Admission form in Front Site do following steps -Enable Online Admission: Go to System Settings > General Setting > Miscellaneous > Online Admission set it to Enabled then click on Save button.Enable Front Site: Go to System Setting > Front CMS Setting > Front CMS set it to Enabled then click on Save button.Add Online Admission Link in Front Site Menu: Go to Front CMS > Menus > Main Menu, here if Online Admission menu item is exist then edit it
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How to view Student Details?

To view student details, go to Student Information > Student details then select Class and Section and then click on Search button. You can also search the student by keyword in Search Text Box and then click on the Search button. The list of searched records will be shown in the below of the page. You can see student list in list view and detailed view by clicking List View and Details View tab.To view student’s detail click on Show icon present at Action column in the student list,
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How to view Disabled Student?

To view disable student, go to Student Information > Disabled Student then select Class and Section and then click on Search button. You can also search the student by keyword in Search Text Box and then click on the Search button. The list of all disabled students will be shown in the below of the page.  To view student profile click on Show icon present in the student list.
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How to add Multi Class Student?

To add multi class student, go to Student Information > Multi Class Student then select Class and Section and then click on Search button. Basically this feature is for training or coaching centres. Multi class feature is not for schools or colleges. It is still in experimental stage and we recommend to not use multi class feature with multi session. To add more classes and sections, click on the Add icon and to delete class and section click on Remove button and to update record click
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How to delete student in Bulk?

To delete student in bulk, go to Student information > Bulk Delete then select Class and Section and then click on Search button. The list of searched student will be shown in the below of the page. Here you can see all student list. To delete single or multiple students select the student list and then click on Delete button.
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How to add Disable Reason?

To add disable reason, go to Student Information > Disable Reason then enter the Name and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Disable Reason List on the right of the page.To edit disable reason click on the Edit icon and to delete disable reason click on the Delete icon present in the disable list.
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How to check Student Report?

To check student report, go to Reports > Student Information Report click on Student Report. Here select the Class, Section and Category, Gender, RTE and then click on Search button. Here you can see student details like Section, Admission No, Student Name, Father Name, Date of Birth, Gender etc.
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How to Check Guardian Report?

To check guardian report, go to Reports > Student Information Report click on Guardian Report. Here select the Class and Section and then click on Search button. Here you can see guardian details like Class, Admission No, Student Name, Mobile Number, Guardian Name, Guardian Relation, Guardian Phone etc.
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How to check Student History report?

To student history report, go to Reports > Student Information Report click on Student History. Here select the Class and Admission Year and then click on Search button.  Here you can see student history details like Admission No, Student Name, Admission Date, Class (Start-End), Session (Start-End) etc.
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How to check Student Login Credential report?

To check student login credential report, go to Reports > Student Information Report click on Student Login Credential. Here select Class and Section and then click on Search button. Here you can see student's login credential details like Student Name, Username, Password, Parent Username, Parent Password.
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How to check Class Subject Report?

To check the class subject report, go to Reports > Student Information Report click on Class Subject Report. Here select Class and Section and then click on Search button.  Here you can see class-subject details like Class, Section, Subject, Teacher, Time, Room Number.
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How to check Admission Report?

To check admission report, go to Reports > Student Information Report click on Admission Report. Here select the Search Type and then click on Search button. Here you can see admission details like Admission No, Student Name, Class, Father Name, Date of Birth, Admission Date etc. 
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How to check Sibling report?

To check sibling report, go to Reports > Student Information Report click on Sibling Report. Here select the Class and Section and then click on Search button. Here you can see sibling details like Father Name, Mother Name, Guardian Name, Guardian Phone, Student Name(sibling) etc.
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How to check Student Profile Report?

To check student profile report, go to Reports > Student Information Report click on the Student Profile. Here select the Search By Admission Date, Class and Section and then click on Search button.  Here you can see student profile details like Admission No, Roll Number, Class, Section, First Name, Last Name, Gender, Date of Birth, Category etc.
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How to check Homework Evaluation Report?

To check evaluation report, go to Report > Student Information Report click on Homework Evaluation Report. Now select Class, Section, subject Group, Subject and then click on Search button. Here you can see homework evaluation details like Subject, Homework Date, Submission Date, Compelete/Incompelete, Compelete%.
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How to check Student Gender Ratio Report?

To check student gender ratio report, go to Reports > Student Information Report click on Student Gender Ratio Report. Here you can see girls and boys ratio in every class.
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How to Check Student Teacher Ratio Report?

To check student teacher ratio report, go to Reports > Student Information Report click on Student Teacher Ratio Report. Here you can see teacher student ratio in the class section.
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